Untitled Header Image We are designed for destiny. Prov. 8:5-6


About Homeschool Plus (HSP)


When do classes meet?


Classes meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays between 9:00 and 3:00 with a few classes/private lessons extending to 4:00.   Some classes are Tu/ Th and many one-day-only classes are offered throughout the schedule.

Parents have freedom of choice with how many and what type of classes to enroll in.   Some families come for 1 or 2 classes, many families set up one full day, and some families come primarily for Tuesday and Thursday's strong academic support with a couple of fun classes added to the mix.

We have created a lot of flexibility and the widest variety of homeschool classes in Virginia.  HSP's design lends itself to support your unique homeschool support needs. Just need Math? Or just need Music? Need strong academic support?  You choose and we partner with you.


Where are you located?


We are located at 925 Ingleside Rd., Norfolk, Va. 




How many students are in each class?


Most classes have four to twelve students with the exception of Drama and PE. Brain Bridges Therapy is one-to-one.


Do I have to volunteer at HSP?


No.  But we will gladly accept volunteers.

How much is Homeschool Plus?


Is there a registration fee?


Yes.  Please read our Fee Schedule for detailed information.  


Are the tuitions listed per month?


Yes, all the tuitions listed in the course descriptions are monthly rates due at the beginning of each month.


Are there supply fees for classes?


Some classes have supply fees which may be annual or by semester.  Each course description will list these fees and when they are to be paid.



What is the benefit of an Academy?


For the parent, the immediate benefit is a strong partner in your homeschooling journey. Most of our teachers possess degrees, primarily in Education in addition to their other degrees or have years of teaching experience. Further, they will be preparing the lessons in the core subjects and keeping your child focused and moving consistently forward. If you find organization and consistency a challenge, Academy is for you! Would your child benefit from having to answer to another adult?  Your child will have to answer to another teacher for Core Classes while you do the fun stuff! However, Academy is a partnership. The parents are very much a full partner in the process reviewing lessons, grading and correcting problems, working with the teacher when needed to find the best way to have your child fall in love with learning.

For the child, Academy provides friendships, consistency of subjects and finishing texts, and progression towards mastery of each core subject. There will be plenty of fun and unique learning opportunities. Games, music, and crafts will accompany lessons in grammar, reading, comprehension, and mathematics.


How do I know if my child is ready for Academy?


Let us help you. Every child is unique. We are a homeschooling community. As such, we want a diverse group of students. Children ahead or a little behind will not be an issue.  K, 1st & 2nd have learning goals that are very specifically focused on phonemic awareness, reading, and early math/grammar skills. Students in 3rd - 8th will have an engaging instructor for 3+ hours of instruction Tuesdays and Thursdays. In these grades, the focus is on mastery of concepts and techniques.  Additionally, if a child is enrolled in the Academy but is found to need additional assistance, tutoring is available as well as Educational Therapy. Many students will benefit significantly from Educational Therapy, often gaining more than a year of education within a single school year.

Ask yourself if your child would benefit from consistency. Would your child enjoy and benefit from having a small classroom enviroment?  Do you as a parent wish to partner with an experienced teacher in the core concepts of math, grammar, vocabulary, and writing? This partnership involves follow-up at home with review of concepts and homework for each subject? This would allow you time to focus on additional subjects that enjoy teaching.  Finally, do you get behind or off schedule easily in your home? If so, having a set schedule with a teacher setting the pace may be of a benefit for you and your child.


How long are the classes at HSP?


All classes meet Sept through May.

Most class sessions are 55 minutes. 

There are some longer classes scheduled in blocks:

Pre-K,  K-8th Academies, Biology with lab, Chemistry with lab, etc... 

See our 3 day schedule view to get the" big picture" or look under "Class Registration"


Do your classes have homework?


All high school level classes for academic credit have significant homework, regular testing, and grading.  Some elementary enrichment classes have only minimal homework but it varies.  To best understand the commitment level of each class, read the individual class descriptions and talk with the teacher.  All Academy classes have homework assigned on Tuesday that is due Thursday and on Thursday that is due the following Tuesday. In special circumstances, homework may cross several weeks for projects and reading selections.  Brain Bridges (Therapy and Brain Builders classes) requires 15 min. daily practice at home on non-therapy days.


Is private tutoring available?


Yes, some of our teachers do private tutoring and we also keep a list of tutors for referral.


My child is ahead in math but not at grade level for reading. How will you handle that in the Academy?


This is a common occurrence where students progress more quickly in one area than another. Our Academy classes will operate in side-by-side classrooms on Tuesday and Thursday. The teachers will be using the same curriculum. This will allow a student to roll between the classes, once accurately assessed by the teachers. Our teachers know how to work with students across ages and abilities. However, if a student needs to transition to a higher or lower class to learn with a different group, our teachers should be able to accommodate those needs.


What are the options for my child that has an hour between classes?


You may enroll them in a study hall, private lesson or an additional class.  Sometimes teachers are able to accept students slightly younger or older than listed. Ask the teacher if there is a class that might be appropriate.   You can sit with your child in the hallway, in any available room or watch them on the playground.  Students who gain the trust of teachers and administrators are sometimes asked to help with a class of younger students.  High school students of good character and high academic performance can also apply to be an administrative intern.

Brain Bridges


What is an Educational Therapist?


Educational Therapists are specialists with a minimum of a 4-year degree and additional training in educational therapy. These professionals under go significant training to be able to provide therapy to students with a wide array of issues that may significantly hamper their education. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing, short & long-term memory issues,  ADD, ADHD, autism spectrum children and many other issues are dealt with on an individual basis. 

Therapists are licensed through the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD). 



Should my child take individual sessions with an Educational Therapist?



Educational Therapists use mediation to help your child make gains in areas such as Executive Function, Auditory Processing, Processing Speed, and Directionality. Skills in math, reading, writing and comprehension are targeted through non-traditional instruction methods to find and correct specific areas of need. Any student with a diagnosed learning disability, an IEP, or any suspected conditions such as ADD or ADHD will benefit from educational therapy. 

Originally designed for treatment of dyslexia, educational therapy now covers a broad range of disorders. Students come into therapy after initial testing and a baseline is established. Over the school year, progress is charted and in the late spring, another assessment test is done to document progress. Disorders can require one year to several years of therapy. Every student is unique and so is their pace and therapy routine.

Educational therapy is not tutoring. We do not use classroom techniques nor does a therapist help with homework. Educational therapy produces lifetime changes in thinking skills that impact both social and academic success.

Sessions vary in length but usually, a new student begins with an 80-minute session that is one-on-one. Enrollment in therapy requires a commitment of twice a week for the school year.

Individual Educational Therapy requires full testing done by a professional. The testing can be done at Homeschool Plus unless you already have the required tests and they are current within the last three years. HSP Testing Professionals can provide full intelligence testing (WISC) on site for $225. The Woodcock-Johnson IV is also required and can be administered at Homeschool Plus as well.  Cost for this test is $125.


How do I know if my child should be in Individual Educational Brain Bridges Sessions?


Individual sessions are open to any student whose parents want intensive therapy.
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, ADD, Spectrum children, and all manner of learning disorders can be affected by individual sessions. Sessions are required twice a week 80 minutes sessions, two 60 minute sessions, or three 60 minute session. Minor homework four days a week (15 minutes), supervised with a parent. Individual Sessions are tailored to the student’s specific needs.

Therapists help a student by:

Working with the student in academic settings on the issues keeping them from excelling 

Engaging the whole student consistently for 60 or 80 minutes, uninterrupted focus on the student and his needs

Working through tough issues with unique techniques, patience, and encouragement

Every student has a tailored program

Parents assist their child’s journey to independent thinking and learning by:

  • providing structure and accountability
  • supervising homework
  • maintaining regular contact with the educational specialist to increase understanding of the learning process and collaborate in providing an effective program for their child

Individual sessions require full academic testing for both cognitive and achievement abilities.
* Individual time slots available throughout the days Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 8:30 am.

Achievement testing provided at HSP. Speak with the Brain Bridges Director, Dr. Kinchlow at [email protected] for your testing needs.


What testing do you accept?


The Woodcock-Johnson (WJIV) , Wechsler (WISC), and/or Kaufman tests are all acceptable if they are current or within the last three years. 

The following tests can be provided at Homeschool Plus:

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V)

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), developed by David Wechsler, is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16 inclusive that can be completed without reading or writing. It must be administered by a psychologist or trained professional. 

Age range: 6.0–17.11 years

How it works: This test is divided into 15 subtests that assess a range of areas. Results are totaled up to provide one Full Scale IQ score. Sub-scores are also tallied for four other areas. These include verbal comprehension, nonverbal and fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed.

Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities

Woodcock-Johnson IV is an achievement test that is comprehensive and must be provided by a trained professional. The WJIV can be used for state and local compliance for end-of-year testing.  

How it works: Kids are given a series of tests on a number of topics. These include verbal comprehension, spatial relations and visual-auditory learning. The tests can take 2+ hours 

Woodcock-Johnson IV is an achievement test that is comprehensive and must be provided by a trained professional. The WJIV can be used for state and local compliance for end-of-year testing.  


We have testing data already. Can you use what we have?


We would definitely like to see whatever you have. To be valid, testing needs to be current, within the last three years. Your child will have a program created specifically for him/her. The more current and deep the testing, the more carefully crafted your child’s sessions will be. The goal is to meet your child at their current level and help them progress to a more competent and confident learner.