Homeschool Plus We are designed for destiny. Psalm 8:5-6

Charlene Chamberlayne To All Instructors


Charlene Chamberlayne is a remote/online math tutor and owner of Chamberlayne Next Step Tutoring.  In partnership with HomeschoolPlus, Mrs. Chamberlayne is available to HSP students both online and in person. She is available online on Mondays-Thursdays and in person in Norfolk on some Fridays and Saturdays. She also acts as an online High School Advisor in recommending HSP classes and transcript compilation.  She moved to Wallops Island, NASA Flight Center with her husband's job on 8/11/2024.  She is the homeschooling mother of four (now ages 21-31) HSP graduates and has been teaching in person classes at HSP for 20+ years.  She is a graduate of The College of William & Mary (1987) with degrees in History and Secondary Education (certified in Virginia for Math and History) and has taught in the public and private school systems as well as homeschooling her 4 children through high school graduation.

Prior to starting a family, she worked as a tenured teacher for Chesapeake Public Schools.  Charlene graduated from The College of William & Mary with a BA in History and a Certificate in Secondary Education for History and Mathematics.  She has worked as an educator with several hundred families in the Hampton Roads area over the past 35+ years.  

Current Classes
Algebra II • Trigonometry • PreCalculus • Calculus – Instructor (open)
Logical Reasoning and Critical Thinking: The Logic Games Course – Instructor (open)
Individual Math Tutoring or High School Individual Credit Studies (Government/History/English) – Instructor (open)
Individual Math Tutoring or High School Individual Credit Studies (Government/History/English) – Instructor (open)
Individual or Small Group Tutoring – Instructor (open)