Untitled Header Image We are designed for destiny. Prov. 8:5-6


“I am the mom who came to your office last spring and sat on your couch and cried as I realized my son needed something that I was unqualified and unable to provide.    At the time, I had no idea what he needed but I knew he was struggling more than he should.   You were so kind and encouraging.  After testing he started Individual Therapy (NILD-Brain Bridges).  I am so grateful for you bringing this program to HSP.  There would be no way that my family could have afforded the therapy  otherwise and I know it will make a huge difference. We came to HSP last year because I hate science and I did not want to teach it!  I ended up signing him up for science, math and a writing class just to give myself a break.  I had no idea how HSP would come to change him and me.  Last spring at Field Day, I sat on the bleachers by the football field and basketball court and watched my son play with these kids that he didn’t know 9 months before. I wanted to remember how I felt so I could tell my husband so I wrote it down in my phone…this is what I wrote: Proud, overwhelmed, so emotional.  I’ve just watched J. participate in field day at HSP.  It’s our first year here and it’s been a little nerve wracking  as he and I both have had to find our way in this new adventure.  After two years of going it alone, we decided to get a partner this year.  It has all culminated in a fun field day event.  It is here that I have spent my morning watching my son play football, basketball and softball.  It is obvious that he is well liked and respected among his peers.  He’s a leader on the field not only as a player but also as a cheerleader.  Watching him encourage his teammates and have a great attitude makes me so proud.  He belongs here…he’s a leader here.  I’ve always felt he was a follower but today I’ve watched my baby boy evolve into a young man of character and class…I am bursting with pride.
Thank you, Margaret and the whole HSP staff for being a place where lives can be transformed.  I am a mom who will be eternally grateful for what you are doing there.  I’m sure I’ll have more moments of “crying on the couch” or something like it, but I am so thankful for people like you who have been such a blessing to me and my family on this homeschooling  journey.   May God continue to bless you all and the work you do at HSP!”  (A. C.)

Homeschool Plus has consistently provided a supportive, challenging and exciting atmosphere for my creative learners. Spiritual guidance along with high standards of scholarship have fostered a wonderful growth toward maturity in my children. God’s presence is apparent inside the classes, and the leadership at HSP consistently offers insightful care of the students. I’m thankful that Homeschool Plus has been part of our lives for more than ten years now! (K.F.)

We have attended HSP for six consecutive years, and my daughter thoroughly enjoys it! It is much more than a place to enrich our homeschooling. HSP is ministry, opportunity, friendship, and support. HSP is truly a wonderful blessing, and we thank God for HSP! (R.P.)

HSP has been a huge blessing to our family. There is a sweet spirit that permeates the halls, the office and the classrooms. We were unsure of attempting homeschooling for high school, and HSP gave us encouragement and a group of dear friends for our children and us to get to know. We are thankful for teachers who have taught subjects we didn’t have the skill to teach. We are thankful for the godly leadership and love that spurs our family on to a closer walk with Jesus at HSP. (P.C.)

My five children all attended HSP and loved it!  They were encouraged to discover their gifts and broaden their abilities in the environment of a loving supportive community.  Each one went on to college and received scholarships based on our own homeschool transcript including many HSP classes.  (M.M.)

HSP is the original family community of homeschoolers in Hampton Roads. It has been a major part of my family’s life since its
inception in 1990. Beginning with a staff of only three instructors teaching Art, Music and PE, we had no idea what wonderful things God had in store for those of us who have been part of HSP as both families and staff!

HSP offered subject areas to my three children taught by dedicated teachers with enthusiasm and expertise in those fields. This resulted in exceptional academic preparation for each of my children. All three attended HSP through high school and my youngest graduated last June. I am amazed at the faithfulness of our God in providing every need for each individual child at HSP. My children recognize and appreciate all that HSP meant to them during their formative years. They consider especially endearing their greatly-loved HSP teachers’ efforts that continue to impact them. HSP is a blessing! (M.S.)

From some of our students:

“You’re the best science teacher any student could ever wish for! From the lectures to labs, I’ve greatly enjoyed every minute of being one of your students this past year. Biology, particularly anatomy, is definitely one of my favorite subjects. I’m planning to use this interest of  mine and become a science major of some sort. But none of my passion would have come about without you. You’ve truly shown me and all of the kids you have ever taught the outstanding beauty of God’s creation.”  A.A.

“Thank you, once again, for being the best science teacher anyone could ask for. I’m very sad that I can’t stay with you for the rest of high school.”  G.G.

“My favorite class this year was without a doubt Mrs. K’s Biology. . . . Some labs and activities that I found especially helpful were: all dissections, cell-eating riddle, the skin sensitivity test, the label hand-outs, and Jeopardy.” G.B.

“Most of all I liked the pool noodles. I thought that was a wonderful and creative way to show us about mitosis.”  T.S.

“Why do I like my Biology class? Where to begin is a better question! I liked basically everything!” S. K.

“Biology class was without a doubt my favorite one this year.” A.M.

“I have learned a lot in this class, both knowledge and morals. You were an awesome teacher! I’m always amazed at your patience in class.” D.S.

“Overall this class was super fun. You’re the best teacher EVER! Thank you for teaching me.”  G.G.

“This Biology class has widened my worldview and greatly increased my knowledge bank. When we were studying plants, so many “mysteries” were solved and explained to me. I would go on a walk and notice all of the plants, leaves, trees, etc. It was fun! I’m really happy that I got to take this class.” H.S.

“The aspects of this class that I will remember the most will be the intense Jeopardy matches, the mitosis demonstration, and the Jello cell. Coming into this class I was terrified of dissections, but now, even though I don’t truly enjoy them, I have grown confident and have learned many things from the dissections.” J.L.

“I liked the activities, including Jeopardy, label games, and all dissections (owl pellets, rats, eyeball, etc.). They are good to do because it is more hands-on and a more fun way to learn.” A.A.

“In Biology this year, I really had an overall awesome experience. . . . The lectures had to be one of my favorite parts of the class. They really helped me comprehend and understand whatever chapter we were on.” C.C.

“The textbook was interesting to read and very informative, without making it too complex for the reader to understand.” G.B.

“Honestly, the textbook, lectures, and lecture notes are where I learned the most, but the label games, cell-eating riddle, mitosis demo, Jello cell, and all of the dissections helped me understand everything visually. . . . The textbook and lecture notes helped me become familiar with the terms, and the visual activities helped me understand why and where everything is.” S.H.

“The curriculum is very good and I love having the lecture notes.” A.A.

“The textbook made the homework very easy and the pictures were good.” D.S.

“The lab book was very helpful. It was a guideline to our dissections, it made everything easier.” K.S.